An ADOT apprentice learns about highway construction and prepares student for a long-lasting career.
An insulator installs various insulation products and finishes on mechanical systems on commercial and industrial construction sites.
An insulator installs various insulation products and finishes on mechanical systems on commercial and industrial construction sites.
Bricklayers work in varied aspects of building, industrial, commercial, and residential construction.
Carpenters work with many tools and materials to build schools, erect skyscrapers, construct bridges, tunnels and highways.
Along with their electrical construction abilities, inside wireman must be knowledgeable in blueprint reading, the national electrical code, local codes, and OSHA safety and health requirements for safe work practices.
An electrician must be able to layout, assemble, install, repair, and test entire electrical and electronic systems. Along with their electrical training, journeyman electricians must have working knowledge of blueprint reading and know the national electric code and local codes.
An electrician must be able to layout, assemble, install, repair, and test entire electrical and electronic systems. Along with their electrical training, journeyman electricians must have working knowledge of blueprint reading and know the national electric code and local codes.
The work of this craft is chiefly concerned with the erection of poles and towers, the stringing of overhead lines, the installation of underground systems, the installation and connection of sub-stations, and all types of maintenance and modification of above.
Ironworkers are skilled workers who erect, assemble, or install fabricated structural metal products, usually larget metal beams. These beams are used in the erection of industrial, commercial, or large residential buildings.
An operating engineer operates or repairs and services construction equipment used in the building or demolition of roads, dams, buildings, and power plants.
Painters prepare interior and exterior surfaces of buildings and other structures and then apply paint with rollers, brushes, or sprayers. They work with varnishes, enamels, and other coating materials.
The Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station sponsors seven registered performance-based apprenticeship programs.
A plumber is a master craftsman who installs and repairs varieties of piping systems that carry water, waste water, natural and medical gas, and waste in buildings.
Plasterers apply plaster, cement, or acrylic finish products to the interior and exterior walls and ceilings of hospitals, office buildings, schools, warehouses, residences, shopping centers, and larger commercial and industrial products.
Roofers waterproof and weatherproof buildings. They apply shingles made from fiberglass, slate, tile, cedar, or composite material such as felt rubber membrane.
The Salt River Project offers the following apprenticeship programs: Automobile mechanic, electrician, line installer, electric meter installer, maintenance mechanic, cable splicer.
Sheet metal workers fabricate, install, and maintain air-conditioning, heating, ventilation, and pollution control duct systems; and many other building parts and products made from metal sheets.
The Tohono O'odham Career Center offers apprenticeship training in carpentry, electrical, heavy equipment, painting, facilities maintenance, plumbing, sheet metal, and computer peripheral equipment operator.
Tucson Electric Power offers apprenticeship programs such as metermen, shop electricians, substation electricians, and much more.